In 1994 Jeff Bezos created Amazon and began selling books around the world. The books were easy to store and were not damaged during transit. As a consequence they could be delivered basically anywhere.
This stroke of commercial genius continues to be shrouded in a philanthropic mist that turns the company into an exporter of cultural values and democracy throughout the world, even though what is involved is above all an extremely lucrative business. What has changed since the arrival of the American company on the market? And how can we protect ourselves? These and other questions will be addressed at the A2 panel discussion, with appearances by Hana Kašpaříková (activist, Čisté Tuřany), Jaroslav Tvrdoň (Rubato publishing house) and others.
The debate will be chaired by Jan Bělíček, editor of A2.
KKA2 Is the largest bookstore in the world destroying the book market?
Thursday 30 October 7pm
opening hours Tue-Sun 12.00 noon - 6.00 p.m.
Dittrichova 9/337, Prague 2, CZ