lecture and discussion / Práce/ Work
Guests: Ágnes Konkoly, Bori Szalai
moderated by Tereza Stejskalová
In the past artists grouped together in all sorts of different formations. These days they are far more likely to assert themselves as individuals. Famous erstwhile associations and gatherings, at which progressive authors met up over the course of decades, aged and were not replaced by new ones.
An individualistic ethos characterises modern middle-aged artists, while younger artists would rather opt for less binding forms of cooperation, often concentrated around alternative exhibition spaces.
Have we not lost something important with the withdrawal of these artistic associations to the periphery of artistic events? How might such associations be useful to us these days? What could and should be their function in the contemporary art world?
The lecture which introduces the Hungarian Studio of Young Artists(Fiatal Képzőművészek Stúdiója Egyesület) offers a possible answer. This artistic association, though more than 50 years old, is active in generating events on the Hungarian art scene.
Ágnes Konkoly, studio secretary, presents the history and principles of the association, whose very existence is under threat by the cultural policy of the current government in Hungary.
The evening will include a discussion regarding the possibilities and tasks of similar artistic associations at a time when cuts are being made in the cultural sphere, and will feature the previous studio secretary, the curator and art critic Bori Szalai.
17.4.2012 7 p.m.
Dittrichova 9, Prague
Guests: Ágnes Konkoly, Bori Szalai
moderated by Tereza Stejskalová
free entry
lecture is held in English
Supported by Magyar Cultural Institut