lecture & discussion
6 p.m.
Academy of Arts, Achitecture and Design
Náměstí Jana Palacha 80
Prague, Czech republic
lecture hall No.40
Stemming from a partnership between the renowned Swiss publisher Michael Ringier and JRP editions, the new company, run by Lionel Bovier, presents a resolutely contemporary art profile.
Absorbing the existing catalogue from the previous company, JRP|Ringier’s program is structured around three axes: artists’ projects, partnerships with art institutions (in Switzerland, but also in Europe and the United States), and series of theoretical and art-historical texts.
...Tobias Rehberger, Private Matters, John Armleder, Yellow Pages, Mike Kelley, Memory Waew/Wood Grain/Carpet, Albert Oehlen, Paintings 1980 2004, Richard Prince, Man, Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, Alphavilles ?, Walter Pfeiffer, 1970 – 1980, David Robbins, The Ice Cream Social ...
for the lecture there will be around 30 books available for viewing