

You’re not sure about something? Then ring TRANZIT-DISPATCH!

“Tranzit-dispatch” is the winning project of the third annual student competition organised by tranzitdisplay. The project is the work of Jan Boháč, Barbora Fastrová, Pavel Jestřáb and Anna Ročňová, all students of The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (UMPRUM).

The project will run from 28 April to 3 May 2015. It will be officially launched on Tuesday 28 April at 8pm, and there will be a special presentation for the general public at the tranzitdisplay gallery on Sunday 3 May starting at 7pm.

Part of the tranzitdisplay gallery will be transformed into a telephone control room for five days, which will provide useful information on specific exhibitions underway or exhibits to be found in selected galleries and museums.
A gallery visitor will have a unique opportunity to ring to the telephone control room + 420 737 520 614, be connected to a leading Czech art theoretician or curator and ask questions regarding exhibitions currently underway in any gallery.

The names of the participating artists:
Seznam operátorů na dispečinku:

28.4. 10-14 Ondřej Horák / 14-18 Viktor Čech

29.4. 10-14 Michal Novotný / 14-18 Hana Buddeus

30.4. 10-14 Ondřej Chrobák / 14-18 Karina Kottová

1.5. 10-14 Ludvík Hlaváček / 14-18 Tomáš Klička

2.5. 10-14 Mariana Serranová / 14-18 Milan Mikuláštík

3.5. 10-14 Johana Lomová / 14-18 Jitka Šosová

The aim of the competition is to present contemporary art as an ordinary part of our everyday lives. This has become an important aspect of tranzitdisplay’s activities, and involves creating deeper cooperation with students of universities and art schools.

28 April – 3 May 2015 You’re not sure about something? Then ring TRANZIT-DISPATCH!

Dittrichova 9/337
120 00 Prague 2 CZ
00420 222 516 982


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