

Seminar with Denise Beer in the frame of Feminist (Art) Institution project

Feminist Art Academy in Practice

The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna ist the only University in Austria with a proportion of women of over fifty percent for the academic and non-academic staff, therefore she plays an important role in promoting gender equality in Austria. Furthermore, the Academy is led by three feminist women.

This seminar will start with a brief description of the political situation and the legal conditions in Austria with respect to gender equality for Universities in general and then concentrates on the specific situation at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

What does a feminist Rectorate mean for the daily work and the setting at the Academy? What are the challenges? Which changes in study, teaching, research and staff recruitment can already be detected and which measures are planned? The seminar will deal with these questions as well as share experiences of the Academy regarding their gender policy in general.

Denise Beer (*1985, Austria) is a political scientist. She is head of the Office for the Promotion of Women, Gender Equality and Gender Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

15.2. 2017 6pm
Dittrichova 9, Prague

The seminar is attended by a group of regular participants (artists, curators, critics from the Czech Republic and Slovakia) who are trying to find out a definition of a feminist institution that would be workable for them.

The goal of the seminar is to formulate a set of principles that we could follow and that could initiate further debate about sexism within art institutions in the Czech Republic/Slovakia and beyond. The seminars are about sharing and exchanging knowledge and experience.

The session lasts about one hour and half - two hours.

Applications for seminar by e-mail: office.cz@tranzit.org

Feminist (Art) Institution
Lubica Kobová: Strategies of feminist organizing. A Seminar on Sexual Difference by Luis Muraro

External Links
The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


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